“No Fault” Divorce
It is often said in the press that divorce enquiries spike after the festive season, with January being referred to as “divorce month”. However, this year family lawyers believe that this may fall in April. The long-awaited Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, which introduces “no fault” divorce, is due to become law on 6 April 2022. This new law will remove the “blame game” by allowing either spouse, or the couple jointly, to make an application for a divorce and, under the new law, couples will be able to get divorced solely on the ground that their marriage has broken down, without giving any other reason. There will be no option of defending a divorce, and so avoiding confrontation and acrimony where possible and helping to reduce the damaging effect that a separation can have on a family, particularly where there are children. The new law will introduce a minimum timeframe of a 20-week period between the initial divorce application being filed and the granting of the decree of divorce. This provides the divorcing couple with time to reflect, time to co-operate with each other and time to make arrangements for the future in respect of their finances and their children.
If you are in the process of separating, it is advisable to take advice from a specialist family lawyer and Bartons Solicitors can provide all the help and guidance you might need. If you do need help with a separation or divorce, please contact Louise Macmillan of Bartons Solicitors at l.macmillan@bartons.co.uk Telephone: 01548 855655.