Price Transparency – Employment Law

The cost of bringing or defending a claim for unfair dismissal depends on the complexity of your case, the approach adopted by your opponent and your settlement expectations.  We ordinarily charge on the basis of time spent on your matter.  In some cases we may be able to offer flexible funding for your legal costs including acting on a “no win, no fee” basis.

As a guideline, our charges for bringing and defending claims for unfair or wrongful dismissal may be as follows:

Simple, low value case: £1,500 – £5,000 (excluding VAT and disbursements)

Medium complexity case: £5,000 – £10,000 (excluding VAT and disbursements)

High complexity case: £10,000 – £30,000 + (excluding VAT and disbursements)

Examples of things that can make a case more complex include:

  • If your opponent is unrepresented;
  • If we need to deal with applications to make amendments to a claim or defence;
  • If a party takes an unreasonable approach to settlement negotiations;
  • If a party conducts the case in an unreasonable manner;
  • If there are a large number of witnesses or documents;
  • If there is a claim for constructive unfair dismissal; or
  • If there are linked claims of discrimination.

If you would like an estimate of costs which is tailored to your claim and your circumstances, please contact us to discuss matters further.

Ian Spencer  – Director, Solicitor, Supervisor

James Field – Solicitor Advocate

Courtney O’Neill – Senior Paralegal

Annabel Pike – Paralegal

Katherine Ewings, Amy Donaghey, and Tom Chesley – Legal Assistants